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Unnamed Hobbit · 7mo

Psychopass!!! What do you like about it and how ~ different ~ did s2 feel to you?

What I like, well a lot of it. I think its a fun dystopian setting for a police procedural show (ACAB, especially SYBIL) and i think it was very adept at using its sci fi world building to explore philosophy and society. Also i enjoyed the cast, especially season 1. I felt they were all well rounded, quirky and compelling to watch.

The philosophy bit especially is a halmark of Gen Urobuchi the writer of s1 something i appreciate especially here and in Fate/zero. Its a very particular style, but he does it very well.

I was not as much of a fan of s2 (and haven't seen s3, i have seen the first movie and Providence). In general i think the main villain was as interesting, their gimmick didnt sit right "logically" to me (though that might be more of a cutural difference) and i especially wasnt a fan of Mika's characterization, it wasnt what i expected of her from s1, but also she was just aggrivating. i find her more palatable in the movies ive seen, even if she always feels like a thorn in the cast's side.
Also s2 probably suffers from being half as long so it doesn't have time for the interesting one off episodes that was a bulk of season 1.

Probably my relationship to the series is best summed ib the fact that i own s1 and the first movie on BluRay and not s2.

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