
|26🇬🇧🇮🇪|♂️He/Him|Yume|🐍The Orochi Man🐍

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Anon · 3mo

Baby Nagi does look evil! Can we see him reeking havoc and being a lil demon child?

ohHHH DO WE NOW? well--- so long as we're all prepared... I might just~ basically he's not changed much during his life-- let's just say that

Anon · 3mo

More Hiko please !!

Just in general?? hehe-- yeah I can do that~ I DO need to give the princess some more attention~

Serena · 3mo

You know what I wanna see >:3c

Ishi · 3mo

i just wanna see nagi tummy lowkey.... if you're willing and able....

GOD YES-- naahh 100000% I'm yet to bless his new form with a good ol fashioned bath scene so~ I'll def be slapping this down onto the list~

Anon · 3mo

I just realized the new fishman pirates would probably have a good amount of stretch marks from their muscles growing so fast from the power drug, I think that's kind of neat

HOT YOU mean-- Stretch marks are so cute to me,,, little lighting bolts which make me smile.

I like to think they all have them

Anon · 3mo

Do you do commissions for oc x canon 🥺🥺🥺

Anon · 3mo

List Hirano's talents please~

Anon · 10mo

No worries at all! I won't make one, I have characters and stuff I don't want ai of either so I totally get it, I will stick to making fan art!

AH- I'm sorry if I came across as too Hostile. I've seen so many people just disregard artists over stuff like this. I got a little paranoid. I respect the honesty though! Thankyou for respecting mine.

Anon · 10mo

I really wanna make a c.ai bot of Franz to talk to (cuz he's awesome and amazing), can I ask what his personality is like? He comes across as a little shy and awkward to me, but maybe I'm wrong! 😅

No. No no Ai with my characters in any way thankyou.
I don't want pieces of me involved in that shit

Anon · 10mo

I cannot stop thinking about Franz he's my new favorite character. This might be out on a limb but you said he likes Whybie and he studies psychology for "reasons", is he trying to use it to make Whybie fall in love with him?👀

Firstly thankyou!! 💜💜 he's a silly lad and he deserves the love if you ask me~
Secondlyyy- so. His reasons for LEARNING it in the first place are far more wholesome, basically he wants to help Jonah out and prevent him from visiting the Palaces Priest so much- since your kind of expected to if your having a mental issue. And Jonah uh.... doesn't like that dude so much... to say the least.
So Franz wanted to be able to help him and alleviate some of that mental toll!!

But... uh hehe it doesn't mean he won't use it for "evil" later down the line~ maybe he can manipulate the Tiger Shark just a little~ for a treat.

Serena · 10mo

One more baby! What does he think of his friends 🥺🥺

OHH!! ADORES THEM ALL! Franz is a very loving person you see~ having lost each and every one of his closest friends to depression and slavery, he now holds any friend he makes so so so dear, and this family is on TOP of that leaderboard, as THE MOST cherished people in his life. Since Jonah saved his~ he wants to give them the damn world, and won't stop till their all happy.

Some he holds a bit more romantic intentions towards (AH AHEM- WHYBIE) but that doesn't mean he loves the rest any less!

Roadhog and Jimbei's Trans Husband · 10mo

In reference to your recent drawing of him, What made Franz want to try on Leather?

HONESTLY nothing special, if anything it was more of a whim as clothes have always been a little hard to get for him-- so when he got his first leather jacket it was a bit of an awakening for him! and he IMMEDIATELY decked himself out in full leather as soon as the chance arose~

Serena · 10mo

What is Franz's favorite field of study specifically? :3

CHEMICALSSSS- like-- I guess you could say the study of the periodic Table in general- to him it means he gets to learn about cool substances and how to use them against people~ he's always trying to learn how to make better chemical bombs and harness that stuff into how he fights!

A close second would be psychology~ for.... eheh-- reasons~

Anon · 11mo

Could we see the expression Franz makes when he sees someone he's in love with 👀

Roadhog and Jimbei's Trans Husband · 11mo

Not a question but making Whybie a royal guard was the BEST thing you've done with him.

HEHE OH glad you think so!! <3 what it's added to the lore and tied together has just been SO good~

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