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Anonymous Coward · 4mo

You stated that you would know when someone likes you, yet you do not know if I like you.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

kalo aku hai doang bakal dijawab gak

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

mhm gotcha, I am from your past. and with this information I think it's my cue to leave, it was nice chattering with you for a while. thank you and wishing your days filled with joy and happiness, sorry 🍒

Ah hahaha why leave. Its been years, its just like talking to an old friend for me. :] I'm curious about how have you been too, though.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

probably I am, you should try to guess, haha. jk. nevertheless have a good one 🍒

WELL.. I never like the guessing game.. are you perhaps someone I know from the past? Or should I say, my past?

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

yawda kuganti dengan berakhir ditahun 2024, saatnya kita merayakan dengan berpelukan ala teletubbies 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

hukum mimpiin mantan dan mengulang kejadian waktu kita ketemu itu gimana chey

Ini, sih, ada 2 kemungkinan.
1. Kamu butuh kenangan baru. Masa, hubungannya udah berakhir, tapi memori yang bisa kamu ulang cuma kejadian waktu ketemu mantan. Ayo cari banyak kenangan baru lagi sama orang sekitar!! Atau,
2. Kamu nih sering mikirin aku yaa? Soalnya kamu ngadu mimpi aneh ini ke aku gitu.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

just a random passerby here, you're still the same ya, still the cute little 🍒

Wait... do you perhaps someone I know? Not much people addressing with 🍒, though.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

your question here...

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

hello cheyieee, I guess kita berdua sama. sama-sama berakhir di bulan february. saatnya apa? saatnya kita,,,,,

WADUH... ini aku harus ketawa atau nangis nggak tau lagi 😭 tapi, emang, penelitian mengatakan Februari itu f nya putus meskipun aku bulan Januari, sih. Jadi.. saatnya kita..

Ellie. · 4mo

I'm blessed and incredibly grateful you are still with me.

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Good morning cheyie 🌞

Lemiel Philo. · 4mo

I love you♡ please give me red pixel set ♡ i love you ♡

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

siapa yg ciptain game plato ceyi

Hi! Kalau itu aku enggak tau, belum kenalan sama creatornya soalnya. Kalau kenalan sama kamu aja, gimana?

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