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Fanfic Appreciator · 7mo

Hi! I just want to ask about the different terms used in social media aus like drabbles, ficlets, one shot, etc. and how they work/what word count is appropriate for each? I still get confused. Thanks!

Hello! The answer to this may vary from writer to writer or fandom to fandom. Typically a drabble is a couple hundred words. A ficlet is between 500 to 1.5k words. One shots are fics that are completed in one chapter; an example would be smut fics which are most of the time just one chapter and limited in plot. However, an idea with plot can be a one shot, too. There's not really a word count that's a cut off, but if you want a subjective cut off from one of the mods we would typically say no more than 12k words. Again, this can vary. Drabbles are super short, ficlets are a bit longer, and then the length of one shots can vary.

Hope this helps!

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