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lil scardey cat · 2y

What habit do you really find cute in a person?

oh god theres so much. so many cute little details. just, the ways a person will talk and phrase things and how people sometimes do little hand motions and their eyes get all sparkley because they love the thing theyre talking about and its adorable, and its adorable when I notice little phrases that I say slipping into their vocabulary and they start talking similarly to how i do and its cute and we both get so excited and cant stop talking, or those moments when I make someone laugh and im just so happy that it was ME who made them laugh and we both keep adding onto the joke and we're both laughing so hard we're crying and its just the best moment and I wish i could capture things like that as a video in my memory. Soemtimes people do things that just generally make me think "ilysm." those simple things, the details, the way they fidget or the way their eyes scrunch up when they smile or how pretty their hand writing is or those stupid jokes they make over and over that never get old because its THEM telling the joke, the amazing bits of information they have that I just didnt know they new, even the way they walk or shake their the head, the way they try to make sure youre okay when they notice the slightest thing off about you, all those things. the things no one elses notices but I do because I adore every single detail about my friends. I also really REALLY love when you meet a person and its super akward at first but then you start talking and all of a sudden youre like. oh my god. where has this person been all my life. how did I live without them. and then you suddenly cant get enough of them, you wnt to spend every minute with them, every second of the day. any time with them is well spent. and then you becomes dependent on them. but it doesnt even matter. cause you know theyre there for you no matter what. its people like those that I know will keep me as their friend, or partner, or whatever else. Thats family. and family doesnt always mean blood, family is those you choose to keep. HFDJASHU SORRY I KINDA JUST WENT ON A RANT THERE

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