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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Kak Kakak kayak orang bener deh keliatannya

Ternyata aslinya bener-bener kacau, ya? 😢😔💔 (maaf kalo mengecewakan ekspetasimu yh)

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

kak km suka makan otak-otak kh? soalny cantikmu ga ngotak huffff drimilakadif

Dik, kamu suka makan mie, kah? Soalnya aku jadi miekirin kamu terus setiap hari owowkkekwkw. 😎🔥

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Jentot, be happy ya, cantik.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Zenn, today’s dinner menu apaa? :o

Haii! For tonight, aku mam nasi teri tekur ceplok pake cumi balado.. sama sambel apa ya ini. (garuk kepala) and to increase my appetite, aku nambah gekikara spicy carbonara noodles. How about you, Anon? What's on your dining table malam ini?

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

if you could pick one out of Doraemon's pocket, what would you choose? ✨

Oh, what an interesting question. Hmm... if I could, I would choose the Lie 800 potion, which is a potion that makes lies come true. I have a plan to replicate what Nobita did in the last part of the movie Stand By Me, so I could have my very own Doraemon to grant all my wishes afterward. I'm sorry if it seems like a lame answer, but as a Doraemon enthusiast, I've given it a lot of thought. How about you? What would you choose?

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

hi!!! be happy and stay healthy! ❤️

Hi there, Anon! I apologize for the tardiness in my response. I couldn't be more grateful for your kind and warm words, that means a lot to me. Here I am wishing you the same abundant happiness and good health. May you continue to spread joy and positivity wherever you go.

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