Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Asker · 1y

Your alien bug-dragon transformation fics are some of my favourite. Your writing is incredible and I never get enough of it, I always return to it

Thank you!!! <3 I'm happy you like those so much after all this time.
Hearing that one of my original works is one of your favourite means a Lot. (Of course I am happy when my fanfic is enjoyed but knowing I got someone interested in an unfamiliar setting and new characters is very special to me.) I wanted to write more of those but the motivation vanished which is very frustrating, but in my head the whole crew got transformed and they landed on the planet below and made a home there and are happy there and fuck each other a bunch (except the captain of the ship who was a greedy hardass, he doesn't get to fuck anyone until the crew decide he redeemed himself)
Thank you so much, I hope I can keep making plenty more for you to read!

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