Anonymous Ferret Enjoyer · 9mo

Can't say I remember seeing Thread, kinda curious about them !

got basically the same question over on tumblr! copyin and pasting the answer to that here: So Thread (it/they) is a character ive sat on for a while tjat i really should do more with. Especially this time of year theyre so halloween themed. but like my thought with them is that theyre like. cartoony. few details about them are exact for this reason. theyre ambiguously short, be it 4 ft or 4 inches, whatever makes it easier to bully them a bit. theyre just kinda a mischief maker! sometimes mischief involves eating people though, or getting eaten.

i don't really ahve a lot going on with them but like. you can just kinda pick em up and squish em into a bite sized ball. But you should watch out because they could stretch just as much as they can squish and that means they could easily stretch their gut around a much bigger prey

details about them that are pretty solid: name&pronouns, is a gamer, i know exactly what their genitals are and btw theyre a switch with that regard too

theyre excellent tf bait just pick em up and reshape them into whatever you like

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