Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Someone from my walls · 11mo

Something caught my eye, what are those weird shape like things in the background (Triangles, lines, squiggles, etc.) and the particles when becoming super as any of the Favchars, do they have some sort of meaning?

Honestly, I haven't given it much thought. Just thought squiggles floating in the air would be killer for an aesthetic.

To GIVE it a purpose on the spot, I guess it can be imagined as particles of energy that drift within the Dimension Rift (the area that Frank, Dummie, and anyone else need to enter before they can go from world A to world B). They're relatively harmless, and also function as the rift's clouds in the sky. Because Frank and Dummie are from a completely different world/universe opposed to anyone already living on Mobius/Sonic's universe, they end up emitting different particles rather than your basic sparkles like any Mobian would when turning super. There's not much meaning after that though, mostly just a wacky aesthetic all in all.
feel free to headcanon anything else you want about the squiggles from the Dimension Rift though LOL

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