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Anonymous Coward · 1d

What is Emma's plan to fatten the general populace and can anyone really stop her?

Just sell good af ice cream and let people's addictive vices do the work.

She can only be stopped if her plans are outright discovered

Anonymous Coward · 7d

What do each of your characters do for a living?

Scarlet and May have no established jobs
Scott may work at a movie theater
Emma and claire of course run their ice cream company
Lola runs her cola company
Colleen runs her diner
Madeline runs her bakery and fast food chains
Valorie is a retired musician and lives off royalties but works at a thrift store.
Samantha is in college
Lita works at a book store but has bigger aspirations
Mac is an everyman and may be seen at any given occupation convenient for a pic.

furrylover · 11d

can you make a fat furry girl rap

Anonymous Coward · 19d

Thoughts on Idle One's Mirror seems like you might find it interesting

it is interesting. I've never heard of the manga/anime it was from up until now.

Anonymous Coward · 22d

There's no way you'd beat me I'm Jigsaw

Anonymous Coward · 22d

Mountain Dew or Crab juice? 🦀

Anonymous Coward · 22d

Would Quinn ever meet May and Scarlet, or are they in separate towns or something?

Quinn is a completely separate entity who doesn't exist in my characters universe. I want to avoid self inserting.

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Which of your OCs would win:
- a normal fight or wrestling match
- a sumo wrestling match
- am eating contest

May, and Colleen would win a normal fight, Lola would win a wrestling match.
Emma, Scarlet and Madeline would probably win a sumo match.
Claire, Scarlet and Madeline would win an eating contest. Emma is close but she's a lot smaller than the others

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

If Evil Scarlet exists, are there other evil versions of your OCs?

Possibly, but the scenario wouldn't be as fun if everyone had an "evil" doppelganger

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Any foods that are "turn offs" for wg scenarios?

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Who would be Scarlet’s favorite superhero?

Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Does the blue flag rabbit have diabolical plans for world fattening domination or is she just horny

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

what is a Fawxen?

The last name of my character, Scarlet
I use it as my username cause i couldn't think of anything back when i started doing this stuff

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