Anonymous · 2mo

Will there ever be a happy ending? I've read alot of h-comics and watched alot of them. And in almost everyone of them, there will be none. And yes, girls falling for it like in hypnosis or just lost in lust does also count as bad ending
I don't wanna force to change it or anything, it's not mine afterall
I also don't want to be spoilered how, when, who, why or anything else. Just wanna know if. I'm tired of the bad endings, but that won't stop me from reading. I just skip the end or smth if it will ever have one
Sry for the long text, if u forgot the question:
Will there ever be a happy ending? Yes or No?

"I just skip the end or smth"
Why would I tell you the ending if you're just going to skip it?????

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