From Dusk till Dawn
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Anon FengQingist · 4mo

Is there still time to write for the zine? I discovered the project literally today

Hi anon! Unfortunately this zine has already been produced! We hope you will have fun and continuing finding other FQ projects!

Anon FengQingist · 11mo

Hi! Could I understand why some of the bundles have a randomly chosen print?

Because they are smaller bundles and don’t have the same amount of merch, so the print is randomly selected during packing.

Anon FengQingist · 11mo

Just curious, why wasn’t there a cover artist for the zine this time 👀

Hi! The concept for the zine was based off of the black and gold aesthetic! So we opted to keep the cover simple to make it more understated.

Anon FengQingist · 12mo

hiii, i was wondering about some of the price changes from the interest check to what’s currently on the carrd? to cite specific examples,
stationary bundle: from USD$45 (CAD$60-ish) to CAD$65 (USD$49-ish)
night out bundle: from USD$55 (CAD$73-ish) to CAD$55 (USD$41-ish)
merch bundle: from USD$45 (CAD$60-ish) to CAD$49 ($USD37-ish)
some of these changes are definitely a bit more than expected so was just wondering, thanks!

Hi! As stated in the interest check, pricing was estimated and subject to change based on final numbers. All the bundles, except the Stationary bundle which went up approx. $4USD, went down in cost.

Approx USD cost:
Full: $67 - ~$63
Stationary: $45 —> ~$49
Night out: $55 —> ~$42
Merch: $45 —> ~$37

Anon FengQingist · 12mo

will the cover and/or the merch art be shared before the zine goes on sale?? i’m sure they’ll be lovely but would definitely prefer to know what they look like before deciding to purchase

Anon FengQingist · 12mo

Hi! Was curious as to what form of payment you guys are accepting. I know with EOYA you guys only accepted PayPal, is it the same with FDTD?

Anon FengQingist · 12mo

hey mods, heads up that the carrd isn’t working?? idk if it’s intentional or not but wanted to let u know

Thanks for the heads up! We are in the process of working on it and updating it so it’s temporarily out of commission 🤭

Anon FengQingist · 12mo

Hi! could I ask why you guys aren't doing preorders the way I've seen other zines do? They open preorders for a set amount of time and then order everything accordingly. Seems like that method would immediately erase the limited quantity problem.

Hi! As much as we would love to be able to do that, we are limited because of the Pay for Production module in that we can’t make a profit. Costs are greatly determined by quantities so for example the cost of something could be $10 at 250 quantities, but only $5 at 500 quantities. So if products sell really well we would be looking at a $5/item profit, if they undersell, we would be looking at a loss. Hope this helps!

Anon FengQingist · 12mo

hello, have you decided to not answer questions about the zine's finances?

Anon FengQingist · 1y

Hi! just wanted to ask what the rationale was for not including the standee in the full bundle and instead having it as a separate add on?

We have just seen many zines do it this way and thought it would be a good feature since people can decide whether or not to have it included as it’s a decent cost. Thanks!

Anon FengQingist · 1y

why is there early access for the zine? Would this pose a risk of select bundles selling out before the zine becomes available for the general public, meaning people who may join the fandom after this interest check has long been closed or just were unaware of this project would miss out on being able to get this zine?

It is a risk, quantities are limited and that’s why we are encouraging people to fill out the Interest check. We are hosting the early access in the hopes that people who filled out the interest check (which is what we are basing our numbers off of) get the copy that they want regardless of time zones. Thanks!

Anon FengQingist · 1y

Hi, are you guys planning to share who the guests contributor(s) are like you did last time, or will it stay a secret???

Hi there! Contributors aren’t labelled as a “guest” or not, but our entire lineup has been revealed!

Anon FengQingist · 1y

Mods, a price of almost $100 for a full bundle + shipping is a bit much

We don’t have any say in production or shipping costs. It’s why we created multiple bundles for different budgets! Thanks!

Anon FengQingist · 1y

will contributors be getting a free copy? :)

Anon FengQingist · 1y

Thanks for the project but these prices are crazy. For a fanzine? It seems unreasonable, is there no way of lowering the price?

Hi! We don’t have any say in how much the cost of production is. Prices are based on estimated quantities, however if we exceed the amount predicted then costs may be lower.

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