Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

That's nice of you reminded them about strict Livestream.. I seen some tweets from you and different people asked them to delete these posts for safety in hidden or blocked you for harassment spam I am sorry for harsh tell their blogs are about their personal to share opinions whatever they do post. :'( sorry. That's not your responsibility for them.
I not know about twst Livestream very well. Guess language barrier or sub not on yet..

Anyway let them in trouble if no more Livestream of twst. Learn a lesson.

Thank you, Anon. To be honest, I'm not doing it for anyone else, but for me. I've said it in my tweets that in 2020 I can access Abema easier compared to now, so I know Abema had became stricter than before on region lock. Even though I'm not active in the fandom anymore, I still enjoy twst official contents and I don't want them to be taken away from me.

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