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Dearest 💭 · 9mo

Ai ai, the gorgeous pearl! 🐚🌷 Kamu selaluu jadi pemenang buat siapapun yang ada di sekitar kamu karena pembawaan kamu yang baik, manis, lucu, semuanyaa jadi satu. I'm the luckiest who knows you since 2019, or more than before. Aku seneng bisa selama ini sama kamuu, ai ai! 🤍

Is this my dearest sist…. TMI, Lately I’ve been listening to Magnetic and I think this song suits you well. You’re my cute damsel and rainbow in the midst flowery garden. Aku pikir kamu juga selalu demikian. Thank God aku diberi kesempatan untuk bertemu sama kamu lagi dan ada disekitar kamu. Thank you for seeing me that way. Thank you for always being there for me (eventho I realize that we rarely talk to each other) but thank you for always checking up on me. My angel.. I’m beyond lucky to knowing you for that long.. you are still the same since the very first day. Please always be near me… for a very long time. The world is lucky to have someone as sweet as you. Ily.. ❤️

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