Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Darling~ · 14h

Hello, Frey!
Do you think I forgot how you would shit talk Aethel to us?
Now that everyone who ever cared about you is gone you turn desperately to whoever will validate your delusions next~
Leave oomf alone before you regret it~

Apologies, but you just missed him, as he left front moments ago, darling. I assure you that he does not care, nor do I, nor does anyone. Firstly, my dear, allow me to correct you. His name is Æthel, not "Aethel", though proprrly written Æthelstan if we are truly showing some form of respect. I suggest you use "Zed" or "Vanille" since it seems this is far too difficult for you.
Secondly, is this a joke? I am autistic and very much struggle to distinguish tone. I'd appreciate if next time you attempted to threaten me, you did so typed in a way that was not reminiscent of 2021 Ensemble Stars Kinstagram Wataru Hibiki 《AMAZINGU~☆!!!!!》 delusional attachments. I'm returning to my own account as of now. Feel free to contact me there. It is the same as my Twitter username.

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