Anonymous Coward · 2y

Hello! I’m anonymous that came to ask about your opinion about Theresis hc 6 months ago! so chapter10 is out, do you like how Theresis and Theresa relationship turn out to be in chapter10? I’m really into their story and it makes me love them so much! Btw do you have another favorite member in kazdel royal court besides theresa&sis? any opinion on Manfred?

Thx 4 asking anon sorry i am answering it late wejkhfgjekw.
yes i do like it! in fact im glad theyre not go for direction theresis jealous or theresis is evil brother or smth. yes theresis is villain but he's not exactly evil to theresa in a sense that he want to kill/loathe theresa. he respect her & kinda guilty.
I do! so far i like the vampire guy bcus i love his antic ww, and i love Nachzeherer design. shapesifter seems interesting too.
Manfred is good man at heart but his method isnt lol but at least he's the most Sane guy among the royal court. i like his interaction w/ misery & horn. he still respect his enemy beside of all that.
also when he scold amiya is pretty based ( i say this as amiya fans)

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