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lil' spark · 12mo

Do you have any thoughts on how Luca and Augustine work through arguments?

Oh! I like to think, that most times, arguments can be talked out between the two of them! Whether it be when Luca has forgotten him and is trying to say that he doesn't know who Augustine is or the place he is in, or if by accident Augustine has stepped on an important component of Luca's work, most of their blow ups can be settled in a long talk. Although that's not to say that sometimes the two of them just need time away from each other to settle their own emotions and thoughts before that conversation can come to fruition.

Despite their arguments, I'd like to believe that even though we have witnessed Luca being... pushy with people (Gatto, Alva) during moments of high emotion and betrayal, that he isn't physical during their arguments, more so just somewhat cold as he is needing to settle his own feelings and sort his thoughts, leading to him sometimes saying things out of turn and perhaps a bit more blunt than he would like. Though I'd like to believe that his heart is in the right place despite the frustration from their arguments and spats. Sometimes words are said that one don't mean, though that doesn't make it hurt any less.

Augustine is a relatively level headed man and will talk through any topics or arguments that arise, as he is used to handling those who are irritated or those who will come forward with complaints, especially when he worked back in his atelier and had daily interactions with customers. As an ex noble, he was brought up and trained to remain calm and compassionate under pressure, though it can be his undoing as he tends to grow distant rather than speak what is on his mind, hiding it behind a small soft smile.

Although, most of their arguments likely stem from Luca's lack of tending to himself due to him growing too focused on his work, or the fact that Augustine pushes himself too hard and tends to put the well-being of others before his own. Even so, I do not believe that many arguments will stem from places of anger, more so hurt, with Augustine growing slightly irritated with Luca's lack of self preservation in the way of eating/sleeping.

Though when Augustine grows upset/mad, he tends to shut down or cry with a furrowed brow, not truly understanding how to adjust to the emotions surging through him or find any way that the argument at hand isn't his own fault, as he is stubbornly convinced by his own upset that he is upset and the argument has started due to his own stubbornness rather than Luca's.

Although, the same can be said about himself not exactly focusing on his own health, as he usually will be tending to Luca's needs when he is able to and will grow distracted by cleaning/tending to Luca or tending to his own work and will grow distracted and focused for a while on his own projects/mending for those in the manor.

"Pot calling kettle" and all that good fun.

Forgive me for rambling;; I suppose the long story short is that I'd like to believe they would speak heart to heart, or at least as much as they can, the both of them have a long way to go. :3

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