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ash · 9 answers · 5mo

kalau ada waktu luang bagusnya ngisinya dengan ngapain aja yah? (di rumah)

ash · 4 answers · 5mo

apa yang kalian lakuin kalau kalian lagi ada di fase mikir kalau diri kalian itu "useless"?

Merenung sih wkwkwk, habis itu coba cari kegiatan yang jelasnya "bermanfaat" buat diri sendiri juga orang lain.

Geovano. · 6mo

desc aku dong oppa (fomo)

Ano si paling effort buat orang terdekatnya, kalau udah nganggep orang itu deket bener bener bakal di keep banget. Honestly, as long as I know Ano, typical yang bener bener sebaik itu sampe pernah wondering “Nih orang gak takut dimanfaatin apa ya?” but still, orangnya dia tetep tegas kok jadi no worries. 9 out of 10 buat jadi Ano's closest person.

Tulip ⚘️ · 11mo

Hi, Sayang, I can't help but feel lucky to have you by my side. Your beauty radiates from within and lights up my world. Just thinking about you brings a smile to my face. 💕

Sayaaaang 🥺😭🩷 gemes banget siiih. Thank you for being my source of happiness, I tirelessly say every day that I am soo in love with you, gantengku.

Tulip ⚘️ · 11mo

Lucu dong liat kakak pacaran

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