  • Skullmare creator
  • indiedev, illustrator writer and comic artist
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anonymous · 1d

How old is ber

Ageless baby, they will forever stay a baby unless certain chemical factors take place. Their a failplant

anonymous · 1d

Will drac drink blood

anonymous · 9d

nvm false alarm !! ignore the @freakyfinley thing

Glimpseofcorpses · 9d

Heey i wanted to inform you that we can’t use the guestbook anymore because it’s shutting down! Can we maybe find something else to maybe request on? It of course doesn’t have to be now because you’re busy with the website but I’m just informing and asking!

Ohh yeah, I'm using a new link, guestroom like for my website, check Twitter for the link, it's smartgb

anonymous · 9d

Is diaz actually blue now? I’m just wondering of course

Mood drawing tbh, it's how I switch up with shirang with red or magenta, either way you interpret it is all Gucci to me ♡♡

anonymous · 13d

Is it possible for a reaper to have no line on their face?

It is mandatory for a reaper to have a line, on their face, it is mandatory for readers to have a triangle symbol somewhere on their body. For they are Elderitch

anonymous · 14d

HII, random question but I wanted to ask, could you give any tips on art? Like how to get it done as quick as possible?

I am pretty slow at art,
With tips, I suggest people to use tone curve in ibis paint.
Look at references,makes your art look allot better.
I can't really be specific since the question is quite vague, but I like also saving jewelry , clothes pictures for ocs


anonymous · 16d

Random, but i’m kind of lost on the types of reapers ?? Can you explain the types if yk what i’m trying to say

The type that is now revealed
A reaper - thus the normal reaper in the ek world that gather souls
- fraud reaper ( name was only showcased, never told or revealed what it was)
Reapers with 2 lines, instead of 1 line in their face, meaning they committed a crime by the state

anonymous · 17d

Hi, I hope this doesn't sound strange, but why did you raise the age range?

anonymous · 24d

With your latest post? Which characters are the oldest in dtne

Currently with the characters I have rn, drac is the oldest oldest, following up with Bermuda next, then muertoz. I tend to draw very old age characters having white hair or gray streaks as an indicator for their age.

anonymous · 29d

HAI, what type of fashion would Diaz like?

DecoMare · 1mo

HI HI HI HI GHOSTICUS !!!!! How do you make your designs and how do you get inspired to make your designs? I am so intrigued :]]

This is kinda hard. I watch cartoon I like and pinterest inspired boards is most of my inspirations

Orion · 1mo

In one of the recent artworks; I noticed Diaz has stitches on his fingers. Is this a new skeleton thing, considering how they also dont have the bone patterns on their hands? (And how muer had them too in a past sketch)

anonymous · 1mo

oh i meant the portfolio illustration from 2023 where teppei is having dinner with other unknown characters, it's between the maid diaz and maid faust drawings!!

anonymous · 1mo

who are the characters seen with teppei in one of the earliest dtne illustrations?

Not sure what illustration your talking about, I'm sorry, do you mean the comic with Rune?

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