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shitso · 6mo

When did Norm start to realize he really liked kids

His preferences didn't grow with his age. But he'd suppress da thoughts as an adult due to guilt. He has been with women around his age and isn't disgusted or anything but has no genuine interest in them. Norman thinks having sex with grown women is jerking off with extra steps and he'll do it on occasion whilst fantasizing about something else. During his 20's he wanted to be a non-threatening good guy and tried to have relationships. Women generally like him because he's funny and kewt and "good with kids" (ominous). He breaks up when he gets too tired to fake interest and also not be able to watch his suspicious video tapes. From their perspective everything goes great & Norm's husband material and then he'll just be like real nonchalant breaking it off randomly. In short he has known all along but didn't care until he was around 23.

To any unfortunate aghast passerby in the retrospring public timeline This is about a cartoon character within in my ghoulish mind he's not some guy I know

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