Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Fellow Hyper Enthusiast · 1y

How does the squad deal with their respective “attention gatherers?”

Everyone deals with their growths in a different way, in good ways, bad, or just trying to avoid it.

Eden, the most conflicted of the group, tries to ultimately avoid or deny it, which often results in her ass causing unintended problems, namely property damage. She fights with her own backside on a near daily basis.

Kara couldn’t care less about her massive milkers, and openly flaunts them around like a badge of honor, though she has to avoid dairy products, or else her chest with bloat and swell with milk before spewing it out like a geyser.

Mei, despite being the largest lady in New Primrose, never really minded her growth. Sure, her claustrophobia has only gotten worse and her bust is now comparable to twin bouncy houses, but she’s learned to get used to it and mildly enjoys the attention she brings.

Cassidy has always been the anxious person, living a mostly solitary indoor lifestyle, with their growth only feeding into that habit. Now that their thighs serve as their own couch, and bed at some points, they continue to stay mostly out of sight and always gorging on junk food.

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