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Fellow Hyper Enthusiast · 8mo

On a scale of 1-10, how squishy are your OCs? (10 being living dough, 1 being a brick wall)

I’ve always wanted to rank the squishabilities of my characters! Here’s the consensus:

Eden: 4. Taught yet remarkably smooth and rounded, definitely got some forceful muscle behind all that fat. Dangerous when at high speeds though.

Kara: 6. Like twin beanbag chairs hanging off her chest, or a mini mattress whenever she forgets to lighten her load.

Mei: 9. Purest definition of “Marshmallow Hell” there is, just be sure to not get lost and end up between her canyon of cleavage.

Cassidy: 10. Practically putty in your hands, with more squishy rolls than all the bakeries in New Primrose. So soft that it takes minutes for any imprint to puff back out.

Renée: 9. Built with the body proportions and comfy touch of an overstuffed pillow. Your whole body will just sink into such softness and motherly warmth.

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