Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Fellow Hyper Enthusiast · 5mo

Woah woah woah, Renée has a butt that could CARRY you across the city? O-Oh my 😳

Part of me definitely needs to draw Renée from behind for this reason!

While most of her growth is definitely centered around her belly, Renée’s body is one I would describe as being a “super pear.” She’s incredibly bottom heavy and while most of her titanic frame is on her gut, her legs and backside are also incredibly gargantuan and fatty as well. It’s honestly a miracle she’s able to move around as well as she does hauling around her massive gut in front of her and shelf of a rear behind her.

And considering she’s able to carry people around like she’s her own form of transportation, you shouldn’t be surprised she’s able to fit quite a few people in the rather spacious backseat~

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