
THE hyper guardian spirit, able to grow bigger than you can imagine!~

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Anonymous · 20d

No clue what happened, by my nsfw alt was blocked, I don't remember interacting so it must be a mistake. It's @ColtMyu

Sorry about that, I do block quite liberally as I find blocking on social media to actually help my experience a lot. But yeah this one was an accident, I’m sorry

Anonymous · 25d

What is Hai's personality like?? Has anyone written anything of him?

Hai is literally me
To put it short, I try to be as nice as I can be, and I’m a little outgoing, but I also just always try my best, which can be hard sometimes because of ADHD

And yes! I’m in Kespuzzuo’s Skygardening.

Anonymous · 1mo

Best cock size? And how tall you'd be comparing to that?

I’d say anything above the size if your body, you can really feel the sheer power then, especially at city/astronomical sizes~
As for how tall? Probably 5’7” (170 cm). My package usually eclipses me as I don’t normally grow my whole body when I’m growing.

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