A Curious Dorkus · 1y

Quick, Pikachu Cosplay Predator Rankings. Failure to comply will result in feeding said Pikachus.

  1. Pikachu Libre - The one I've seen the most art of in terms of vore and honestly for good reason. Wrestler preds are just so heccin good, and a pikachu on top of that? Yeeeeesss pleeeeease!!

  2. Rockstar Pikachu - I love the punk rock style and look, and rockstar preds are heccin goooooood

  3. Popstar Pikachu - Can imagine a pika trying to be all cutesy and dancing with a large sloshing gut hanging over their skirt

  4. Ph.D Pikachu - Can't really imagine vore with this one but still cute

  5. Belle Pikachu - Also can't really imagine vore with them but more so with all of the clothing and such

Overall though, they are all pikas, so they are all amazing preds <3

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