Quintree · 1y

Otters happen to be among my favorite species for prey! Do you have favorite species to eat you?

Hehe, for this I'll leave pokemon out of it cause there are WAY too many. My favorites typically tend to be wolves/dogs, foxes, otters, dragons, and horses.

I like Wolves, dogs, and foxes for pretty much the same reason. Fluffy, cute, and can very much see them as preds a lot of the time in this fandom hehe.

I love otters a lot, in vore and outside of vore. And since I'm an otter now, same species preds are goooooood~ Also fun to think of them swimming with a big gut too (for this reason I also love a lot of aquatic/fish as preds)

I love dragons cause they make for some of the perfect preds! If you look at any piece of media you'll usually see a dragon being the one to swallow someone whole hehe.

And horses, oh boy I love them for many reasons. Seen a lot of people with quadruped horse sonas and how the gut sloshes from side to side as they walk, which is AMAZING. And while most people with horse ocs probably don't have this with theirs, a fun fact about horses is they are unable to vomit/regurgitate, so in vore I like to think once I/someone is in there, they are stuck unless they come out the back end. Though since vore is fiction, people with horse ocs can bypass that restriction, but it's still a neat fact I learned that I really like the thought of with vore. Also horses just look amazing with belly, and can imagine riding a horse either on their back or inside~

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