Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous FEET™ Colleague · 8mo

Happy day of Birth. Hope you have a good day.

What resulted in you personally getting invested into foot art? Was it a personal event, a movie (something like Death Proof, idk), a character? It’s your birthday, so might as well learn some CEO lore.

Oh, I've been into feet for as young as.... let's just say young, lol, don't wanna be too weird haha. Imagine a weirdo foot creep in a tropical country where everyone wore flipflops all the time, and you'll see just how frustrated I've always been haha. I've doodled here and there when I was young, mostly like, people in taekwondo uniforms bc that just means barefoot attire, and I've always just kept those to myself. Then I got into digital art, but was still drawing on our family computer so I can't get too crazy in fear of getting caught. Then I got a laptop and I started going crazy from there :D

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