Hiber Wintercall
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A Nameless Petitioner · 6mo

You do seem to enjoy the form of Kitsune the most, kinda making some Pokémon think that you are a Ninetales, you know? Have you considered ever taking smaller forms before, like a Vulpix for example?

Since ... when have I ever taken the form of a kitsune? Ninetales or otherwise.

I can manifest at a smaller size, but I don't think I've ever had multiple tails... If you're talking about Vulca, she's not the same person as me. Though our faces and sizes are similar enough that I forgive the mistake-- we do have an uncanny resemblance.

... that said, I think she'd be nonplussed to be called a kitsune either. She's not from Japan, I believe.

Rhian · 7mo

You're not like any Pokémon I've ever seen before. But I know you have other forms that are Pokémon, I've seen them. So...what are you, exactly? A spirit, yes, but. A spirit of what? Is that even a valid question to ask?

A Nameless Petitioner · 7mo

A spirit? Do you eat and drink like others then? Can you even create life with others?

Yes...ish. Naturally, what I eat and drink is Essence -- the energy which powers my existence and abilities -- drawn from the aspects of nature that I represent. But when I've materialized, I can eat and drink anything you'd expect me to be able to eat or drink. Though obviously, when I'm not materialized, I can't do any of that because I'm not physical at that point.

I can also create life with others, yes, although the results are ... a bit unpredictable.

A Nameless Petitioner · 7mo

So what's the story regarding all your other forms?

I'm a spirit. I'm not nearly as committed to a single form as physical beings are. When I manifest, I can alter the exact details of how my body is expressed - to an extent. I'm also entirely capable of possessing physical beings or inanimate objects that fit under my purview, and that includes simulacra of my own design, so I've got even more flexibility there.

... or do you mean the other individuals named Hiber? Those aren't other forms; they're more like ... I suppose 'alternate reality versions'. That's not something I've learned about extensively, though.

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