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Hirridok · 6 answers · 3mo

a hobby you've considered getting into but haven't done so for any reason (not actually interested enough/not in the right situation for it, don't have the time, etc)

Been meaning to try getting back into art again but haven't had the chance to. Same with getting back into working out.
My parents tried pushing me hard to really get into playing music due to my hands all my life but I lack the knack for it. Although I think they'd be really ashamed if I tried to use my hands for puppetry instead like I want to.

I really really wanna get into drawing, my love for Rain World inspires my creativity and I wanna expand to making art but I have no clue where to start

Music probably, I used to play drums and I love that but honestly with any other instrument is kinda horrible and hard and it's fun anyways but I don't have the time rn to learn, maybe when I'm older I'll play the banjo

game creation. dear god how badly i want to make a stupid game with my stupid characters.

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