Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Hirridok · 7 answers · 3mo

What's something you'd like to do that you know you can't (for now, at least)

Be forgiven by those I've hurt and be accepted by the world so I'll never be driven to hurt others again.

write a novel.
i have a lot of ideas, a lot of things planned. i just need to find the time and motivation to do it.

Dunno if it counts since I did do it before, but I'd like to learn guitar again!! It was very nice being able to make music

Build my own computer. its the finding out "is this gonna be compatible with this part" that i dread. Plus afraid of overpaying for parts

Kill people, terrorism, actual bank robbing, crimes, lots of them, owning a gun, shoot at things, black magic, do a cult, have a band, have an art gallery of just my works, do a movie, do several movies, kill people in movies.

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