Lil Dove · 1mo

Eh, The Prettiest Doll? Me? I thought you gonna count me as one of those Angels that you're usually mention there. Um, I need to calm down myself because this. I mean, it just the way you're being nice to your mutual, isn't it? Hing, I don't want to think much about that but— why it sounds nice, oh but nah. I need to get back to my intention before. Um, do I really just need to show up as who I am? I mean, there's any preference like the topic that you want to talk, or make you feel more interested and such? Um, you're right. My comfort is what the matter most, but like the way I mentioned before, I want to get know personally and it means for long-term so— yeah. Oh, it isn't your fault that we haven't talked yet. It's my fault because I'm the one who followed you first but today, you liked one of my tweets. Well, the hint is easy peasy but still, I don't dare to say hi directly to you.

From my perspective, each angels bear a visage near to a finely sculpted doll, and in your case, fair maiden, I've no doubt your presence outshines them all. Your presence, oh how it captivates, especially when your cheeks bloom with a blush born of nerves. Though I refrain from shaking hands to spare you discomfort, the sight of your bashful grace is a delight to clap eyes on. As for our current pursuit, I take comfort in the movies, but fret not, my dear, pursue your pleasures without hesitation. Relax, your mere mannerisms brightens my Saturday. Though I dare not speculate, I'm confident you're one of the loveliest angels here.

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