Fussel · 12mo

Your Top 5 inanimate things to be!

Oh my let's seee...
The first things that come to mind:
Petrification (especially into gold or with resin), Plushification, Pooltoy TF, Clothing TF (especially socks), Condom TF and lately Mannequin/Puppet TF.
Now to sort them...Remember that all of these are very good and very close to each other and may change from time to time.

  1. Condom TF is very hot but while closely tied the least I would want to be as it is a) or certain moods and b) very much a bad end <//<
  2. Clothing TF (especially socks) is hella comfy and kinky and I do looove it - why mos the others rank so high ahhh~
  3. Mannequin/Puppet TF slowly rising up my list but is still very specific
  4. Pooltoy TF getting ready for the summer vibes until you get deflated and whoops that makes it permanent. But you don't mind staying deflated till we next go right?
  5. Petrification (especially into gold, marble or with resin) while especially for the kinky part it just is such a good kink and is very flexible
  6. Plushification it is mostly for comfort but it would definetely be my favorite thing to be just.. Plushie good brain chemicals.. <///<

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