Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Lan, kamu kemana aja baru kelihatan? Hehe (Kalo gak berkenan jawab skip aja gapapa #Peace)
Hahaha, pure lagi “menikmati” tempat kerja baru aja. Sama belakangan kemarin lagi balik main game. Lupa waktu lupa semua jadinya. Hahaha.
Elan gimana kabarnyeeee lama ga ngobrol, btw this is your old mutual
Oit. Hamdalah aman kabar mah, cuman gak begitu bisa kepegang aja akun X. Old mutual yang mana ini?
HAI (lagi) ELAN!! gue malu banget mau nyamperin padahal gue excited mau punya temen!! fyi, lu bakalan jadi temen ke-2 gue sih. t___t DAN IYA, LU LUCU, GEMES, SQUISHY SQUISHY KAYAKNYA SKSJSHSYS. gue stalk akun lu dikit, lihatin interaksi lu sama temen-temen lu.. kelihatan seru dan elu yang paling lucu!!! argh, tunggu gue dapat keberanian plis buat muncul. t___t i'm soOo excited!!!!!!
Hey. Keren juga jadi kandidat temen yang ke-2. Bentar ini out of the box banget tetiba dibilang squishy. 🤣Diliat darimananya woit. Hahaha, gak beraninya kenapa? Katanya saya LUCU GEMES SQUISHY. :)
HAI! gue lihat akun lu di komenan ssefnum dan ngerasa lu LUCU BANGET???? LU GEMEEEEES, LUCU, ARGH. 💢 boleh temenan gak ya? tenang aja, gue bukan minor!! tahun ini 21+!!! oh, sorry for being annoying like this. just excited because you're so cute.
Pardon? Cute? CUTE? 😂 What on earth. Apa nggak berlebihan ya itu.. HAHAHA. Boleh boleh. Hit me up then be my new guest. Nope, not being annoyed at all though.
Nonton, game, setel lagu Noah (proud Sahabat Noah). Lumayan nyanyi nyanyi walaupun suara cuma seadanya. Sama kalo emang lagi free ya paling keluar, kemana aja yang penting keluar aja.
Non oomf, bang hidup terus ya. Lucu...
“Hidup terus ya.” Gak ulang tahun tapi doain aja panjang umur ya. 😂
Genuinely asking for those who love Durian. What makes you like it though? Is it the smell or the taste of the fruit itself?
The taste itself. It smells good, tapi gak yang gimana-gimana juga. Lebih ke bikin ngiler karena pengen makannya. Btw you have to try Musang King durian once in your life. Pricey but WORTH it.
Hi Elan. You seem barely active than ever lately. Keep hydrated and stay healthy. May you’re having a good every single day. Btw udah makan belum? 😇
Hey. Little thing but I appreciate it so much. Thankyou for checking up on me. I'm doing good. It's just me yang ada kerja remote pula at night so yeah, I barely active. Hahaha, udah makan barusan. Thanks for asking and hope the same goes to you as well.
What was the last movie that you watch, Elan? And why you choosed that movie?
Curse of Chucky. There's no particular reason actually. I was just scrolling on Netflix and Curse of Chucky shown at the top so I clicked it immediately. Bingung juga tadi mau nonton apa jadi langsung aja tanpa pikir panjang. Hahaha.
Can you suggest a suitable name for me? I use ENHYPEN Jay as my pfp. Thank you!
I’m in love with your brain. Elan, you’re stuck on my mind.
My brain would be delighted to know this then. 😅 Well, I’m suck at taking compliments but thanks though. Waduh, belakangnya. Is there any way out?
kak comsu ya...
Nope. Rather than Comsu, I’m more not interested in romantically relationship from virtual. Ain’t a commitment issue. Totally different, right? Btw ada yang minat nikah?
Pa... (lupa mau nanya apa, kalau rame lanjut part 2)
Bang, dunia keras ya?
Papa kalau terlahir kembali mau jadi apa?
Tetep mau jadi diri sendiri bang tapi versi lebih HD-nya aja. Anjay gurinjay.
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