Sleet · 16 answers · 10d

˗ˏˋ 🌊 ࿐࿔ R ₊ S TOTD ⸝⸝⸝ #8

₊˚⊹ — do me a favour (thank you in advance), and advertise something in reply to this ask!

umm, maybe like, comms you take, or your business? or possibly just something you want more people to see? like a show, or game, or whatever... or just your own account? advertising why you're, like, the #1 oomf-to-be or something?

i encourage you, if you do respond, to check the other responses. for fun. but even if you don't, i'll be checking all of them! (if that makes you want to respond more...)

also, unrelated, but if you're a URL hoarded and have any interest in the new paste bin site created by @tidals, : bell (the owner) made a discord server for it! here it is 😄

i already thanked you, but, again, thank you! —

:3c < i make rentry graphics ( they arent the best but still ) you can seen them all on tumblr my user is @ drblacula ! also if ANY KNOWS WHO OWNS /HORROPEDIA ON TIDALS PLEASE SEND ME AN ASK PLEASE WHO THE FUCK KEEPS STEALIG THE URL FROM ME

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