Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ · 9mo


Well, well, well. It's a pweasure to mweet yuu. Nyow, if I may be swo bwold, I'd like to introdyuce myself briefly... I bewong to the unit cawled Eden of CWOSMIC PWODUCTION, and my nyame is Ibawa Saegyusa! Sawute~☆! It is a gweat pwivilege to hwave such a pwace pwepaweed for mwe as His Excewency's extra. ♪ I have a twactical eye as an idwol to pwlan stwrategies for each situation and a strategic eye as a manager to determine the overall direction of the company... I'm pwoud to say that I have bwoth of these skiwlls and can cwommand bwetter than the averwage pwoducer. ☆ Pweased to mwake your acwaintance...♪ nyyaaaa >_<

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