Ashton · 7mo

Although we just met a few months ago, I feel like we have already met since a very very very long time ago. From the stories we committed to listen to one another, the tears of happiness and sadness, the anger, everything that we’ve been through together. And… I haven’t been able to send my sincere gratitude to you for being a kindhearted friend to me. Thank you for being born, Ila. I wish you unceasing happiness and bliss throughout your life!!

Your message truly made my day. It's wild how even in a few months, it feels like we've been friends forever. Remembering the stories we've shared, the laughs, the tears, and even the occasional rants, it's been quite a journey. I just want you to know how much your friendship means to me. Thank you for being the amazing person you are, we deserve endless happiness and bliss throughout our life. Here’s to more stories and happiness to share, 🥂✨🥺

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