Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 1y

Is there a character of yours you feel is particularly underappreciated or one you'd really like to get back to and do something with/get your audience to see again? It's fine if that has multiple answers, cause I can definitely see those not necessarily meaning the same thing

Jeremiah is one that comes to mind since I think that little devil is delightful! I think simply due to my audience being majority furries my humanoid characters get the short end of the stick :P Would love to draw more pals from my fantasy setting in general :) Aurèle and Clarent are dear to my heart also. What's better than kinda creepy elastic man eating swingers? 🍍

I'm primarily a commission artist, so I imagine my OCs are appreciated in the proportion that I feature them, which is not much lol

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