Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Wait have you realized that Koharu first replaced Hikari in leader pics and now she's replacing Hikari by Karen's side?
How adorable are they?
Momoyo said new HiKaren song
Have you forgiven Reina for voting against Kumiko yet?
Can you believe that Karen has two girls obsessed with him while the one girl he’s in love with is too much of a pussy to confess?
Koharu thinks Maya is cool and all, but has Karen on the brain
Does Hikari pine for Karen or is she too deep in denial to do that?
Has anyone in the history of the world pined harder than Karen for Hikari?
Someone dropped the full Koharu-Karen lore in one of Risse’s replies but the gist is Koharu saw Karen’s starlight and it changed her brain chemistry her younger sister Sakura (who goes to Seisho) said that it’s like crazy how much she talks/thinks about Karen almost to a worrying extent
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