Corn Chip · 1mo

Top 10 favorite kinks.

Oooh this might be a little tough.

I'm gonna go with kinks in a fictional setting cause I don't really experiment all that often in real life.

In no particular order other than the order I manage to recall them. Memory is not my strong suit.

And of course. The obvious caveat of these are just kinks I enjoy, please do not take this as a kind of "I think more people should try these things" Like with most kinks, once you hear what it is, you'll know how much interest you have in it from the get go, even if that interest is absolutely zero. Explore your sexuality, be safe doing it, and don't let people pressure you into trying things you aren't ready for.

  1. Musk. (To a degree) I like to think of myself as a very sex positive person. As such I believe in enjoying every aspect of sex. Not just the visual, audible and physical. Taste and smell can add a lot to an experience in a lot of ways. I enjoy the smell and taste of a man who has worked up a bit of sweat from a hard days work or exercise as much as I enjoy the taste and smell of a man who is freshly showered. (Once the musk reaches the degree of floundering in being unhygenic I'm out tho.)

  2. Excessive cum. Sex isn't inherently comfortable or clean so the idea of just being covered or filled with another man's jizz or doing the same to him is just euphoric. I like it slick and sticky~ s'why I had so much fun drawing that gloryhole picture for Marrow~

  3. Body type disparity. I love it when a couple has a major disparity in their body types. Big/skinny. Fat/Muscular. Couples with similar body types are entirely valid but I find a disparity in body types between a pair to be very visually interesting. I love seeing beefy muscular men getting bent over and railed by chubby/fat guys. There's just something too the image of a man at peak physicality being used like a cute little whore by a chubby daddy~

  4. Size difference. This kind of plays into body type disparity but it's not exactly the same. Two people can have the same body type and be of wildly different stature. It's in the same vein of body type disparity though cause at it's heart its about the exaggeration of difference making things more visually interesting. Where it's a small guy getting stretched out by his huge friend or the huge friend having his ass scaled like a mountain. Solid stuff~

  5. Power imbalance. I feel like I shouldn't have to preface this but the internet is a place rife with intellectual dishonesty so here we are. This one is only hot in fiction. If you're leveraging power over someone in real life to get them to do something, sexual or no. You're the worst. Into the sea with you. That said, in a fictional setting this is incredibly hot, it's more or less just a power fantasy of wanting to be in control or wanting to have control taken away. And yes lots of people enjoy the thought of having control taken away from them in a fantasy setting. Cause it's a fantasy setting...

  6. Corruption. This is a darker one for me. But I find the idea of a physiological/species change being imposed upon a character incredibly horny. The idea of what they are being "tainted" is hot. I think to a lesser degree it plays into like the fantasy of wanting myself to be changed in such a way that it makes me "unsalvageable" to someone who is pious and rubbing that in the pious person's face. I think the disappointing thing is that very few writers and artists ever want to explore a character after they're corrupted. It usually just starts and ends with the corruption event and then it's not touched upon again. There's a lot that could be done with it, imo. Like for instance a character learning to embrace their "corruption" and seeing how it's free'd them of proverbial societal shackles in a way. Exploring how something like a "corruption" isn't inherently evil and may have made them into something more. Then there's also the various darker themes you could explore with it to write a narrative about how others adversely affect a character, intentionally or otherwise.

  7. Watersports. This one is very specific. Most of the time if a character is just taking a wizz it doesn't catch my attention whatsoever. But if there's some kind of interpersonal aspect being applied then I find it very hot. Like dumb archetypal example #1: A werewolf alpha taking a leak over a man's chest to scent mark him as belonging to that alpha. archetypal example #2 is some basic humiliation/reveling in the humiliation play. Piss isn't as clean as as some folks like to pretend. It is a form of bodily waste. But it's also not as filthy as others like to say that it is. Like unless there's something transmittable via piss in the person pissing or if you don't wash yourself up after piss isn't going to hurt you (in the latter case it'll just irritate your skin). It's basically the cleanest form of filthy you can be. There is one instance where a character just taking a leak is hot and it's in the context of like... That man doesn't give a fuck about societal or cultural norms and just whips his dick out and takes a leak in the open air.

  8. Mpreg. This one is MUCH more niche. I know it puts a lot of folks off so I don't indulge in it often. But! As batshit insane of a kink it is, I really enjoy the fantasy of a man being so incredibly VIRILE that he can knock up another man. Biology be damned. Knocking up a cis man that is. To my knowledge trans men are still capable of getting pregnant but I'm not here for fetishizing the bodies of trans men. Should go without saying that I do still find trans-men attractive as well. that's because as a gay man, my interest is in men, not genitals. I do very much like genitals but only where those genitals exist within the context of men or masculine leaning folk. That's neither here nor there though. Point is: men getting knocked up despite their biology is hot.

  9. Cigars. This one is more of an aesthetic than a kink. If you have a man smoking a cigar especially an older man. My pants are already off and he can do whatever he wants to me. Especially if he's gonna kiss me and do that hot thing where he exhales smoke all dommy like into my mouth. HUFF I'm a switch but this is a guaranteed way to put me into subby/bottom mode. I will call him father and I will follow orders~

  10. Bondage/Free Use. This is probably on this list right now because it's been a while since I've had the opportunity to bottom. And like even though it would be very taxing on my body would love to be strung up and treated like a party favor by a group of men while they're doing something else, playing games, watching a movie, whatever. It kind of plays into a thing mentioned earlier about wanting to give up control. Bondage play can provide that so long as it is done with folks you trust and you have a safety system set up that everyone involved is privy to that enables you to pull out of a situation if it becomes to much or you just need a break.

Remember that while exploring your sexuality and kinks is good and fun. I would even argue it's something that all adults should do at some point in their life. Its ONLY good and fun so long as everyone involved is on board with whatever the play time ends up being.

In a situation like the fantasy I described with "free use", consent and trust should be established before you begin so you don't have to constantly check for consent during play but there MUST be a system set up that clearly conveys when you need to stop or take a break. This can be something like a safe word, a small buzzer you can hold in one hand if your mouth is occupied, tapping a nearby piece of furniture, anything so long as it clearly conveys a need to stop.

And of course whomever you give control to needs to be a person or group you trust. If you don't trust someone that person doesn't get to have control.

Also aftercare is super important, play time can involve rough treatment and words as a part of the fantasy and in instances where it does it is important for everyone's mental and emotional health to check in and engage in aftercare afterwards. This is simple as snuggling on the bed, helping each other clean up in the shower, or just being verbally affectionate, whatever works best for you.

At some point this became a PSA about consent and bondage play. Which wasn't the point of this answer but here we are~ I think I did get....scrolls up yep I fullfilled the question there are ten kinks there~

Thank you for coming to my ted talk~

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