☆Silly Goober ★ · 4mo

Heyyy, I just wanna say I love your bots>:3
Howeverrr I have a question for youu: do you get friend requests on discord often:0? Also do you have a dni or interact list for discord? Anywayy, good day/nightt>:3/nf

Hii!! Thank you im glad you enjoy them :D
Ok so— I don't get a lot of friend request on my discord often i usually just have it on my bio in case anyone wants to be friends or just talk!
★ My dni is obviously; Dni Wilbur/Dteam stans, 18+ users (because im a minor), 💐 users, uhhh i think that's all for now unless i experience something else I'll put it down :))
(I haven't experienced none of these, these are just common users on discord 😭)

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