Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

maddy! · 2y

hi fadil! maaf yah aku numpang nge-drop sesuatu di retrospring kamu tapi tmi HAHA aku pernah ngeliat kamu di tl aku dan kamu luvity juga!! 🥺 if it’s okay with you i would like to be friends! but the choice is all up-to-you so no pressure! 💭🧚‍♀️ ps: aku ngirim ini sengaja gak anonim so i can see your reply.. if you don’t want to you can just ignore this! once again i’m sorry for bothering you and i have the same @ as my twt handle (but +s after night) so i hope this didn’t reach to your twt timeline soalnya aku malu (hehe) once again have a great day!

HAAAI MADDY! OMG seneng banget bisa ketemu my fellow luvity karena kita adalah spesies yang sangat rare dan perlu dilestarikan!! Ayooo banget, it would great if we become friends. 🤜🏻🤛🏻 Anyway, I didn't mean to ignore you for these past few days karena aku baru buka retrospring KSHSHJSJW pardon my late reply. x____x Sudaah aku cek akunmu, mau kufollow buuut I'd like to confirm your permission first, boleeeh aku follow akunmu? :D

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