Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon friend · 23d

Idk y but the new stream gave me alpha S@p vibes… I loved your fic ab s/n/f when G30rge was an omega I honestly wonder what their relationship looked like after the story ended & what it would’ve been like to spend a rut together. Since S@p already marked G30rge do you think he’d try to leave other marks & G30rge would be rolling his eyes at him the whole time.

Ooo like in careful tension? I think if they would have gone through a rut after that story, Georg3 would have been so surprised by how Sapn4p acts, losing himself to his instincts the same way he did. In that fic he pokes a lot of fun at Sapn4p but during a rut he shows him that he’s definitely a good alpha. Georg3 starting off rolling his eyes but after a while he’s overwhelmed with all the marks and getting knotted over and over 😵‍💫😵‍💫

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