Orang-aring bertanya · 2mo

if you could teleport to your favorite anime, film, Kdrama or series, what would you choose? 🎬

I'd choose When The Camellia Blooms. Komplek pertokoan dengan ibu-ibu powerful yang berani tapi juga tsundere itu gak pernah gagal bikin aku ngerasa hangat. It's one of my comfort drama of all time. Kalau film... kayaknya mau masuk Harry Potter. Being able to use magic would be convenient in a lot of aspects (apalagi mantra Accio, mengingat aku suka ilang barang). Kalau series... aku cuma nonton series yang thriller/medieval themes berat gitu, jadi skip. Kalau anime, mungkin mau ke Nagi no Asukara aja, soalnya hidup di pinggir pantai sounds fun (dan bisa menyelam ke dasar laut!!!!!!)

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