Jazlan Shanendra

Illusionary. The ultimate all-rounded center: dominating offense and defense with finesse.

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Secret Admirers · 22h

Hey, Kak Jazlan! Do you set your eyes on someone? 👀 #serius #nanya

Waduh wkwk, belum ada sejauh ini. Saya masih cari orang yang bisa jadi “someone”. 😄

Secret Admirers · 2d

if someone asking you that "he" wants know you more, would you let him close to you?

I'd be happy to get to know you better, Maybe we can start by talking a bit more first.

Secret Admirers · 3d

Sehat² ya kamu yg rela dg tulus memberikan sedikit bahagia mu ke orang lain padahal kamu sendiri hidup nya berat dan penuh luka,

Terimakasih yah🤍

It's been so long since I thought about it; I just felt grateful. Once again, I felt the warm people that you are. Thank you for your kind words. I hope you also stay healthy and find happiness, despite the challenges and pain in your own life.

Secret Admirers · 7d

Aku tertarik sama kamu, tapi kayaknya bakalan susah buat ngedeketin kamu. Gatau mau bilang gimana tapi rasanya pesimis banget..

Kalo tertarik mau deketin saya, saya terbuka untuk dekat dengan siapapun, gak perlu pesimis belum dicoba kan? Cuma jangan pasang ekspetasi tinggi aja, nanti kamu jatoh dan stress sama ekspetasi sendiri.

Secret Admirers · 7d

Lets fuck with me

Kayana Esabelle · 5 answers · 8d

You did it, you made it through another day! Now you deserve a nice, restful sleep. Time to heal your body && mind!

Tumben bener kayes baik begini. Tapi thanks lu juga istirahat yes. You did well today.

Secret Admirers · 10d

Kak mau kenal lebih deket, tapi sepertinya kaka menutup diri sekali.

Secret Admirers · 10d

kalo bumi itu bulat, kenapa bakso bergerindil?

Secret Admirers · 10d

Kak i have crush on you, tapi aku bukan muse yeri/karina huhu🥺

Secret Admirers · 10d

Kak jazlan udah punya crush ya?

· 12d


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