Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

bubbles · 4mo


G3org3 asking dr43m to show mommy how she touches herself

Dr43m spreads her legs wide and starts touching, G3org3 feeds her instructions (play with your nipples, pinch your clit etc)

Eventually G3org3 decides to show dr43m how good girls get off and she takes dr43ms hand in her own and moves it for her and ends up latched onto her nipples before eventually fingering her before licking her cum and putting it into dr43ms mouth as they kiss and telling her to swallow

When they're done g3org3 praises her for being so good and listening to her instructions and dr43m discovers a new kink of letting g3org3 have control over her without really even touching her (is that a kink, idk)


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