Elijah ^_^

Meow meow :3c

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blend · 5mo

i accidenrally unfollowed you when i was aboit to say Yes the deal is still Up

Meet me out back in the woods TONIGHT slenderman with be our star guest on helping me do this

micah · 5mo

can u listen to hell lazy psychology and tell me ur thoughys

blend · 5mo

Elijah i need You to take me out back and Shoot me directly in the head because if You Dont kill me first then mayoi hajime tour Will

This was four hours ago is the deal to shoot you still up I own uh I could buy a buy a gun 👀

venr · 5mo

EEELLLLLIIIIJJJAAHHH!!!!! HAIII!!! you will begin to cough in three days. you will dismiss it as just a cold, and go on with your life. only when you are unassuming and peacefully deep in sleep, will you begin to start coughing blood. nothing can help you once you reach that stage.

venr · 5mo

my knee just popped and then i forgot what i was gonna say sorry elijah

silly anon · 5mo

t4t shumika Chat? Girl shu boy mika? 👀👀👀

silly anon · 5mo

thoughts on fujoshi shu kissing himedanshi mika

silly anon · 5mo

what do you think about fudan keito.. :3

I LOVE HER I think fujo keito and fudan keito should hold hands and frolick in the fields together theyvare both great

blend · 5mo

do you think keito ships zoro and luffy one piecd

I had to serch this up and ended up seeing half of one of their bare ass cheeks but I yes I think he would

blend · 5mo

i was thinkint of sending you somethind here abotu fujoshi keito and ended uo choking on my food

BLEND DONTW CHOKE but ples do send me something about fujo keito plslslsls im starving i miss her blwnf bledd bleleleke

silly anon · 5mo

thoughts on #txtdisband?

silly anon · 5mo

wataru whines as spongebob strokes her cheek. daddybob~~~.. she whispers. spongebob growls. say my name louder kitten.

silly anon · 5mo


hero · 5mo

i love kohaku

venr · 5mo

illl give you a hinttt
im planinn ur funeral - sincerally rei wiki sender

OH MYH GODF I KNEW IT HAIHAIII thank you for planing my funeral i'll give you half my life savings

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