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Do you have any favorite, affectionately teasing, chonky pet-names you specially enjoy being called? E.g: 'Fatty', 'Piggy', 'Porker', 'Fat A*$', 'Lard A*$', 'Butter Ball', 'Thunder Thighs', 'Blob', 'Slob', 'Hog' etc???
Have you ever been tempted to explore animation, as alternate, artistic means to bring your weight-gain sequences to life?
Have you ever seen the YouTube short: "Marmalade is Missing" by 'Sneak-a-Peek Cabaret'? It boasts some wonderfully bouncy jiggly cheeky saucy raunchy risqué and charmingly expressive animation; celebrating uber thicc curvy plus-sized BBW Babes strutting their stuff in all their glory! And certain shots really remind me of your own art style! Needless to say, I feel you'd really dig it, hon! 😻🍑💖
P.s: The end credits are an especially alluring appealing and enticing treat to behold! 😘
As you are a trans woman, you have experience with estrogen, correct? (Please forgive me if I am wrong.)
I hear that estrogen can result in more gains coming to the lower body. If I didn't want to transition, but wanted gains in my hips and ass, is taking estrogen something you recommend? Or not really?
Favorite part of being really stuffed and bloated in public?
Do you have any preferred outfits purely to 'Feel Fatter' in? Such as clothes that're extra tight, stretchy or form-hugging; to better accentuate your obesity - Or that just make you feel extra soft, doughy, cosy, comfy and cuddly to wear?
Fantasy-wise, would you rather be teased, taunted and made fun of for your fat? Or praised, worshipped and admired for it?
Which other Artist out there have had the biggest influence on your own art style? (Be they WG/USSBBW themed, or otherwise)
not totally sure cause I'm constantly using other artists work as a reference for lighting, techniques, colors. trying to learn how and why they do things a certain way. i don't know if i can pinpoint one since my art style is more influenced by non nsfw art from before i ever really drew this stuff
This may sound somewhat 'niche' but I'm a total sucker for WG art depicting fictional, plus-sized, fashion magazine covers, from a parallel universe where obesity is 100% normalized, glorified, glamourized, accepted & actively promoted! The kind with captions reading: '10 proven ways to boosted your calorie intake!' & 'Handy dieting tips to really pack on the pounds this season!' etc. It's not a super common trope, but I'd LOVE to hear your take on it, & whether you've ever been tempted to draw it yourself?
what did/how much did you eat when you first started gaining?
Do ya got any personal preference as to where all your hard won weight gains go to? (belly, booty, bewbs, hips, thighs etc?)
So how would you describe your ultimate, ideal, perfect Feeder Partner? 😘🍕🍟🌭🐷🧁🍩🍰💖
Hope you're using the Thanksgiving/Christmas/NewYears period as an excuse to pack on the winter weight with seasonal excess, honey!
What kind of emotional response do you most prefer seeing Fatties display toward their own obesity, gluttony & weight-gain? E.g: indifferent denial, shocked surprise, resentful regret, awkward embarrassment, eager enthusiasm, euphoric intoxication, ecstatic arousal etc? Or perhaps even some intriguingly ambivalent, personal evolution through all of the above???
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