Joongi · 7 answers · 3mo

tell me about your recent happiness moment?

Hyeong, HAHAHA. I hope it's not that late to tell you that food being in the first place of my recent happiness. Living for food period.

Most recently was gifting my friends stickers on KakaoTalk. Seeing people happy is my love language

ate YUMMY food, having a free time to myself and ofc meet my membies! OHOHOH, hbu sunbaee? 🧎🏼‍♀️

Recent eh? Maybe when I get to eat what I wanted for weeks Haha! Food makes me happy.

When I receive a gift from someone/? I feel appreciative because they're so good to me despite not needing to be that way in treating me. Therefore, I'm gracious when they give me a gift on my birthday.

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