Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

bogus · 2 answers · 2y

vore w metadilf. the two of you are sleeping soundly, but a burglar sneaks into your bedroom! (they're not very smart ok) they try to go through meta's nightstand to try to find something. metadilf, still fast asleep, grabs their arm and yanks them close to his chest. the burglar desperately struggles, but metadilf engulfs their head in his mouth and quickly slurps them down. looks like he's still sleepeating. once the burglar is tucked away into his belly, he shifts back into a comfortable position and continues to snooze away. the burglar frantically struggles and cries for help, but any imprints and sound are greatly muffled by meta gut's layers of fat. you don't even wake up yourself, being quite the heavy sleeper. the next morning, metadilf notices that he feels a bit heavier than usual. not to mention his belly is a bit bigger and fatter now. meta just shrugs and assumes it was the dinner last night. and then his stomach growls, ready for breakfast.

Wow.. sleep vore, I like! He would totally protect me be either eating the threat or eating me to keep me safe

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