Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more
Udah kepikiran mau move kemana gak by? Kan retro mau closedown.
halo ace, nggak sengaja liat post kamu. itu nobarnya lewat web apa yaaa? thank you 🙇
May I know if you set your eyes on someone? you've caught my attention recently!
Hello and good morning, you over there. Even though I felt a bit awkward receiving this message, I appreciate it. Thank you for reaching me out. At the moment, I haven’t really thought about being in a romantic relationship, so to your question, I don’t have that ‘someone’ yet. Have a good day anyways. :)
tok tok tok! kira kira retroku udah diliat belum ya main pasir U _ U
Good morning! Please open this ( my confidence about guessing someone you used as a muse in roleplay is 87% so, the password is the name of my guess. Just her stage name! But if I got it wrong, then what a shame, I’ll give you another password to open the website. 😅
don't worry 'bout anything ya
hello, aku punya sesuatu buat kamu!
boleh balesannya gausah di post timeline soalnya aku malu banyak y _ y
maaf aku ghosting kamu TuT
Hey ternyata kamu banyak yang naksir yah?
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